
Bekk Impact Tensile Tester - OpTest

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Bekk Impact Tensile Tester

This machine determines rupture stress by rapid tensioning. An impact is given to the specimen slackened to measure the energy loss at rupture. This test determines resistance of continuous paper against break on a rotary printing machine where a large tension may occur instantaneously. It also measures the dynamic strength of bags made of kraft paper in use. This tester is provided with a pendulum to measure the work of rupture of specimens. A test piece 15mm wide and 1800mm long is held with the gripper, and the pendulum is lifted to the specified position and released. The specimen is broken at a maximum tension, and the work in N∙m (kgf∙cm) is shown on the scale.

Product Name Bekk Impact Tensile Tester
Product Code KRK-2010
Standards/Methods TAPPI 40 (1) 1957
Manufacturer Kumagai Riki Kogyo Co., Ltd. ( KRK )
Availability from OpTest Exclusive to Canada, USA, and Mexico

Specimen Width: 15mm
Specimen Span: 70 to 180mm, can be set at 1mm intervals
Swing Scale:

1. Pendulum 6.25kg∙cm (increment 0.1kg∙cm)
2. Pendulum + one annular plate: 12.25kg∙cm (increment 0.2kg∙cm)
3. Pendulum + two annular plates: 25.0kg∙cm (increment 0.4kg∙cm)
Impact Initial Speed: 0.1m/sec. for any of the stress ranges above
Outer Dimensions: 590 x 320 x 720mm
Instrument Weight: 46kg